Tennis emerged within the context of Bhutan during the 1970s, representing a relatively novel addition to the spectrum of recreational activities. A limited cohort of enthusiasts partook in this pastime, which predominantly garnered acknowledgment as an endeavor accessible to the economically advantaged. Evidently, the prevalence of tennis among students remained subdued due to constraints in infrastructural provisions and its concomitant cost implications. This scenario consequently resulted in a conspicuous dearth of organized tournaments catering to the student demographic as well as the female populace.
Established in 1983, the Bhutan Tennis Federation (BTF) was formed in response to a growing roster of players. The federation operates under a documented constitution, which is currently slated for revision. Over the years, the frequency of tournaments has escalated from one annual event to two or three, contingent upon the incumbent Secretary of the federation during each respective period. Despite this augmentation in tournament offerings, the level of engagement from student and female participants remains notably subdued.